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  • Науково-дослідницька діяльність кафедри СМІіЕМ|- ННЦМІ

    Research activity of the department "Marine Infrastructure and Energy Management Systems" Leading scientific school of the department - name, head, composition, directions of activity, efficiency, including for the last year Scientific directions of the department - names, managers, composition, types of activity, efficiency, including for the last year Research and Education Center and the laboratory of the department - the names, managers, staff, activities, performance, including last year Information about scientific and technical events held by the department in the current year (exhibitions, conferences, etc.) Information about the most significant scientific publications and achievements (awards) of the staff of the department, including for the last year

  • Літні курси для студентів | ННЦМІ

    The Summer courses and programs The activities of the faculty are aimed at providing services in the field of education at a competitive level and are able to expand the boundaries of knowledge through research, to prepare applicants for future work. Achieving these goals depends on the efforts of students, teachers and staff of the faculty, university. Our staff directly teaches and participates in research. In the same way, our team traditionally supports certain basic initiatives and values of universities. The summer semester of 2020 is over. Programs and courses for 2021 are currently being planned. Subscribe to updates today so as not to miss next summer! Sports and recreation camp "Ship" For questions about the rest of NUS employees, please contact the NUK trade union committee: Main building of NUS, room 211, tel. (067) 515-71-72 The The Aquatoria Sports and Health Camp Director: Mykola Volodymyrovych Kompaniets Phone: +38 (093) 557 37 65 Head's assistant: Phone: Landline: +38 (0515) 42 59 56 Frequently asked questions and answers

  • Сфера наукових інтересів Харитонов Ю.М. | ННЦМІ

    Kharitonov Yuriy Mykolayovych Doctor of Technical Sciences, Dean of the Faculty Contact Information Ukraine, Nikolaev Kuznechna 5, CARiE, (NUS). +380634928457 Biographical information Research interests: Main scientific field: Engineering sciences - Mechanical engineering. Project management and reconstruction programs of municipal heat supply systems. Management of reconstruction projects based on artifact platforms YUN Kharitonov Aerospace Engineering and Technology, 189-192 7 2008 Port infrastructure facilities of Ukraine: composition of ships and vessels of the port fleet YUN Kharitonov, VI Shalukhin Shipbuilding & marine infrastructure, 23-27 4 2014 Structure and content of the database on the team of the project of reconstruction of heat supply systems YUN Kharitonov, EV Elgina Eastern European Journal of Advanced Technology, 54-56 3 2011 Project management of heat supply systems reconstruction: classification of projects YUN Kharitonov Municipal utilities, 136-141 2 2009 System of indicators for decision-making on reconstruction of energy complexes YUN Kharitonov Aerospace Engineering and Technology, 221–225-221–225 2 2007 Cross-border cooperation: modeling of design solutions in the reconstruction of municipal heating systems YUN Kharitonov Technological audit and production reserves, 40-44 1 2015 Information support for energy saving projects UN Kharitonov, Manchester United Podaenko, GV Fomenko Energy Efficiency in Construction and Architecture, 276-280 1 2013 Unification of project management processes for the reconstruction of district heating systems YUN Kharitonov Complex Systems Development Management, 75-78 Preliminary modeling of heat supply systems in the management of reconstruction projects YUN Kharitonov Municipal Utilities, 382-387 1 2008 Choice of strategy for reconstruction of complex technical systems YUN Kharitonov Aerospace Engineering and Technology, 192–194-192–194 1 2007 Modeling of information infrastructure for project management of port infrastructure development UM Kharitonov, BM Gordeev, BV Berdynsky further You can ask your question to the dean of the faculty here filling in the required fields. WEB - the page of the dean of the faculty is specially designed to help you solve issues related to studying at the faculty, in addition to supporting you on any personal issues. Faithful and timely counseling is very important for students when they are studying a specialization and thinking about the possibility of a future career. - We have many areas that help ensure that all FMI students can easily find support in the staff.

  • Харитонов М. Ю. | ННЦМІ

    Kharitonov Mikhail Yurievich He was born in 1978, Mykolayiv. In 1995 he graduated from the Secondary School № 35 and the Maritime Lyceum on the basis of the Secondary School №2 with a degree in (1st grade motorcyclist); 1995 - 2000 - student of UDMTU (NUS) of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering; 1998 - 1999 - interned in the printing house of UDMTU (NUS) as a specialist in typing and editing texts; 2000 - 2001 - service in the Armed Forces; From February to October 2002 worked as the expert of the computer in the center of energy saving at the Nikolaev regional territorial inspection on energy saving; In May 2002 - defense of the diploma of the specialist in UDMTU (NUS) and reception of a specialty "mechanical engineer of CEO"; 2002-2006 worked in the NDC (NUS) at CPDvE as a laboratory assistant; 2006-2008 NDC (NUS) at CPDvE - junior researcher; 2008-2013 NDC (NUS) at CPDvE - researcher; Since January 2014 to December 2019 NDC (NSC) at CPDvE in the position of senior researcher. 2020 - 15.04.2021р. NUS NDC NDIIP is a leading specialist of the department of SMIIEM, an employee of TsPDvE. The Work in profile companies: 2006 -2007р . LLC "Electrokomplekt" -head of the supply department; 2010 LLC "Technical Supply" - a specialist in the department of gas welding equipment; 2012-2013 LLC VET "Dynamo-Continent" - a specialist in the sales department of pumping equipment; 2016-2018 JKGMMR -Administrator Web - resource . The Achievements and awards: In accordance with the Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the prize (the most talented young scientist) in the field of basic applied research and scientific and technical developments for 2008 was awarded "( registration number 3510 ): Kharitonov Mikhail Yurievich - researcher Center for Applied Research in Energy, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, for a series of works "Comprehensive solution to the issues of origin with organic household waste, based on energy-saving and environmentally friendly innovative technologies" NUS NDCH NDIIP head of the laboratory of the department SMIIEM, employee TsPDvE.

  • Важлива інформація | ННЦМІ

    - This problem is important today ... in the World of Development "Marine Infrastructure "... > News 2016-2020 INTRODUCTION 2020 TO THE APPLICANT INTRODUCTION 2018 TO THE APPLICANT Incredible stories Interesting Facts Interesting facts and incredible stories from around the world Frequently asked questions and answers

  • Презентація ФМІ | ННЦМІ

    MAIN Deans CfARiE PENALTIES About the faculty Conferences Employees Grants and projects Scientific activity International activity CHAIRS APPLICANT TO THE STUDENT about the UNIVERSITY Faculty library ANNOUNCEMENTS File Share CONTACTS Reviews Groups Gallery Partners Advertising on the site WE INVITE YOU TO STUDY! we also recommend reading: The View the presentation in DJV format; The View KaPri presentation The A BITURIENT 202 1

  • MEDIACONTENT - від ННЦМІ | НУК | Миколаїв

    Seaport without romance The largest ports in the world Deepwater port, the pride of China The largest ship on Earth Sochi seaport Port of Rotterdam The largest metal crusher Nikolaev river station Факультет Морской Инфраструктуры (НУК)137.jpg grin tur ex для ФМИ (НУК).jpg OMAN для ФМИ (НУК) 1._Copy1.jpg Факультет Морской Инфраструктуры (НУК)137.jpg 1/790 introduction of modern technologies -training of specialists -increasing energy efficiency Морська логістика Play Video Доповідь Ю.М Харитонова “Відродження суднобудування України”. Play Video НУК морська інфраструктура Play Video Юрий Харитонов в программе "Добрый вечер" Play Video Все видео Watch Now Share Whole Channel This Video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied Share Channel Info Close факультет морской инфраструктуры учиться в НУК факультет морской инфраструктуры image ЧСЗ Николаев НУК ЛУЧШИЙ ФАКУЛЬТЕТ В НУК факультет морской инфраструктуры Образование на факультете в НУК НА КАКОЙ ФАКУЛЬТЕТ ПОЙТИ УЧИТЬСЯ В НУК факультет морской инфраструктуры учиться в НУК факультет морской инфраструктуры 1/49 Recommended for online viewing:

  • Підвищення кваліфікації в ННЦМІ | famain

    Home / Abyturyentu / training sessions Certification training. MAIN CHAIRS ANNOUNCEMENTS CONTACTS More Personnel management experts believe that the knowledge acquired in educational institutions is enough for the first 3-5 years of work, and then retraining is required in advanced training courses. Training of qualified specialists for the maritime infrastructure of Ukraine is one of the urgent tasks, especially for the training of qualified specialists. The transition to a market economy requires not only the involvement of additional labor in social production, improving its skills, but also further expanding the training of specialists, increasing the saturation of qualified personnel of the maritime economy of Ukraine. Increasing the number of specialists and systematically improving their skills is a necessary condition for increasing production, accelerating technical progress, solving the main economic problem of reforming the economy and overcoming the crisis. круг.стол. НУК 2016 посв. для ФМИ FMI Lg пв конференции фми (нук) кк3 вбк_edited для ФМИ НУК Николаев modern express для FMI (НУК)_zernovoiy_terminal port-izmail. ФАКУЛЬТЕТ МОРСКОЙ ИНФРАСТРУКТУРЫ.16 1/3 There are significant differences between the process of training new workers and retraining those with work experience. If the training involves training in vocational knowledge and skills, then retraining - the expansion and deepening of vocational skills and knowledge that employees have acquired during the training period and improved in the process of work. Retraining of workers is a process of learning, due to which the worker expands the possibilities of applying labor. It involves professional change. Retraining is carried out on special courses with or without separation from production. Such a system should ensure compliance between the professional and qualification structure of workers and the achievements of science and technology that are implemented in production. All over the world, companies are increasingly in need of employees who have higher flexibility, a high level of qualification and the ability to change in the business sphere. Thus, the problem of organizing continuous training and retraining is a necessary component of the entire organizational and legal mechanism for regulating labor relations. ONLINE courses for your company ... Frequently asked questions and answers

  • Інфографіка що пов'язана з морської інфраструктури України | ННЦМІ

    ANALYTICS MAIN CHAIRS ANNOUNCEMENTS CONTACTS More source Frequently asked questions and answers

  • Атестаційна неділя | - ННЦМІ

    Distance learning and tasks for students: Attention! The certification week has been extended from April 6 to 12, 2020! Conditions for obtaining positive certification, students were informed earlier. The Gr. 4621 . Discipline - System analysis of power plants. The Task for self-preparation from 31.03.20 to 06.04.20 The Lecture . Procedural characteristics of systems. Chapter 5 VI Николаев, М.В. Brooke System Engineering. Methods and applications. Pp. 119-141. The Course work . System analysis of the main power plant of a corvette class ship. Present results by sections: The 1. Brief description of the corvette and power plant 2. System analysis of the EU Literature YOU. Николаев, М.В. Brooke System Engineering. Methods and applications; I.G. Zakharov, SI Postonen, VI Romankov Theory of surface ship design; literature sources, agreed on the results of information retrieval. Teacher Shevtsov AP _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Gr. 5621м. Discipline - Energy Management. The Task for self-preparation from 31.03.20 to 06.04.20 Lecture. Tasks and methods of normalization of energy losses. Initial provisions. Literature A.A. Андрижевский, В.И. Volodin Energy saving and energy management; other literature sources obtained as a result of information retrieval. Teacher Shevtsov AP ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Gr. 5641м . Discipline - Systems theory and systems analysis. The Task for self-preparation from 31.03.20 to 06.04.20 Lecture. Functional description and modeling of systems. Literature YOU. Николаев, М.В. Brooke System Engineering. Methods and applications; other literature sources obtained as a result of information retrieval. Teacher Shevtsov AP _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Gr. 3271. Discipline - Methods of measuring environmental parameters. The Task for self-preparation from 31.03.20 to 06.04.20 Lecture . Cost measurement. The Laboratory work report. The Literature S.V. Ryzhkov Thermal measurements in ship power plants; other literature sources obtained as a result of information retrieval. Teacher Shevtsov AP The _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Gr. 3271 (h) . Discipline - Methods of measuring environmental parameters. The Task for self-preparation from 31.03.20 to 06.04.20 Lectures . General information about measuring instruments. The Measurement errors. The Metrological characteristics and properties of measuring devices. The Literature S.V. Ryzhkov Thermal measurements in ship power plants; other literature sources obtained as a result of information retrieval. The ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Gr. 3271 (h) . Discipline - Thermophysical processes in environmental engineering. Lectures. The impact of technology on the environment. The main factors of the impact of heat engines on the environment. Thermophysical processes and their influence on the level of ecological parameters of technology. The Test work. Initial data of tasks according to the number of the student's curriculum. Literature. Якорь 1 Якорь 2 Якорь 3 Якорь 4 Якорь 5 Якорь 6

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