There comes a time in a person's life when the decision to receive higher education (read - life choice) becomes especially relevant.


As before, there are a lot of questions, and the solution, in the end, in the near future, will be one. I will try to help the entrant in resolving this issue, as far as possible, based on the coverage of promising educational programs that are "cultivated" at the Faculty of Marine Infrastructure of the National University of Shipbuilding named after Admiral Makarov (NUS).

The analysis of the labor market, both in Ukraine and abroad, led to the fact that in 2013 the faculty of maritime infrastructure was established at the university. The faculty is focused on training highly qualified specialists capable of implementing a set of systemic tasks of marine infrastructure development, both in Ukraine and abroad by implementing modern design technologies, management methods and models, energy efficiency and environmental safety, taking into account the problems and features of socio-economic development. regions. Today the faculty is a modern scientific and educational complex, which includes departments: maritime logistics, marine infrastructure systems and energy management, as well as marine instrumentation.

Scientific potential
Training of specialists of different levels (bachelors, masters) at the faculty is carried out in the following specialties: 123 - Computer Engineering (specialization - Computer Systems and Networks); 144 - Heat Power Engineering (specialization - Energy Management); 135 - Shipbuilding (specialization - Systems engineering of marine infrastructure); 152 - Metrology and information and measuring equipment (specialization - Measuring and information systems); 073 - Management (specialization - Logistics).
The scientific potential of the faculty is 6 professors, doctors of technical sciences, 5 associate professors, candidates of technical sciences, 4 senior lecturers, 5 applicants for scientific degrees. The structure of the faculty includes the Research Institute of Infrastructure Projects, the Center for Applied Research in Energy and the Center for Applied Problems of Regional Development. Educational and scientific laboratories of the faculty are equipped with modern equipment, software products that provide not only the training of high-level specialists, but also the implementation of research and design work for various purposes.
Some specializations of the faculty are unique. So, preparation on specialization " System engineering of objects of marine infrastructure" is conducted in Ukraine only at faculty of marine infrastructure of NUS, and preparation on specialization "Energy management" in the Nikolaev area - only at our faculty.
The specialties for which training is conducted at the faculty are needed by modern and promising labor markets not only in our country, but also abroad.
It will be natural to ask how educational programs meet the current educational trends, what are the employment opportunities for graduates both abroad and within the state, how much are educational services and many others.
I think everyone agrees with my belief that knowledge is a pass to the future. The future is the era of digitalization, the era of using computer technology in all spheres of life.
Each of the educational programs of the faculty takes into account this global trend, and depending on the specialty (specialization) graduates acquire not only the necessary knowledge in basic theoretical and practical training, but also unique knowledge in the subject area of their computer software.
Given the specifics of the faculty, training is carried out in the framework of global trends: technology platforms Shipbuilding 4.0, SmartPort, BIM-technologies, e-management technologies, maritime spatial planning, the development of which is actively supported by potential customers of graduates.

Mastering this knowledge will allow you to work remotely both in the country and abroad.
Thesis about each of the specialties (specializations). Recently, the issues of effective management of energy resources in various sectors of the economy are relevant for all countries. This determined the need to train high-quality specialists, including top managers in the hierarchy of energy systems management within the specialization: "Energy Management".
Prospective graduates will acquire knowledge in the field of: modeling of energy systems and their elements; organization and conduct of energy audits; formation and installation of energy management system at enterprises; management of projects and programs of modernization and reconstruction of energy supply and energy consumption systems; conducting research in the field of applied energy problems and much more.
These are the main areas of preparation for the master's level, the bachelor's level precedes the master's degree and provides basic theoretical knowledge and practical training in this area.
The demand for specialists in this specialization is high both in small enterprises and in high-energy ones.
To be able to conduct private business, including improving their skills, the faculty on the basis of the order of the State Committee for Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine has a specialized commission for certification of specialists in the field of energy management.
Certified specialists are registered in the national database, and only they have the right to participate in numerous tenders related to projects and grant programs to improve energy efficiency and energy conservation.

The range of employment of specialists is large: state and local governments, enterprises and organizations of energy supply systems, energy consumption.

In Ukraine, only at the Faculty of Maritime Infrastructure of NUS, you can study in the specialization: "System Engineering of Marine Infrastructure". The specialization is focused mainly on the management of the processes of operation, modernization and reconstruction of port infrastructure on the basis of SmartPort technology platforms, E - management technologies and maritime spatial planning, which are actively developing abroad.
In my opinion, in the growing role of sea and river ports, specialization is very promising. It should be noted that representatives of the top management of a number of Ukrainian ports and shipbuilding enterprises have already received education in this specialization.
A special place in the training of specialists at the faculty is occupied by the Department of Maritime Logistics, specialization - "Logistics".
The scope of management of professional activities of graduates of the department includes issues of management of material, information, financial flows of enterprises and organizations of various industries, including, given the specialization of enterprises of the maritime complex.
The basis of the educational program are the disciplines of logistics management, logistics systems design, supply chain management, information systems and technologies in logistics, optimization models of transport logistics, cluster models of water transport and many others. Anyone who is at least partially familiar with this specialization knows that he has great prospects for employment.
The instrumental arsenal of information technology should be considered computer systems, which in the modern sense are a single unit of hardware and software.