Dean's personal page
Management of reconstruction projects based on artifact platforms
YUN Kharitonov
Aerospace Engineering and Technology, 189-192
7 2008 Port infrastructure facilities of Ukraine: composition of ships and vessels of the port fleet
YUN Kharitonov, VI Shalukhin
Shipbuilding & marine infrastructure, 23-27
4 2014 Structure and content of the database on the team of the project of reconstruction of heat supply systems
YUN Kharitonov, EV Elgina
Eastern European Journal of Advanced Technology, 54-56
3 2011 Project management of heat supply systems reconstruction: classification of projects
YUN Kharitonov
Municipal utilities, 136-141
2 2009 System of indicators for decision-making on reconstruction of energy complexes
YUN Kharitonov
Aerospace Engineering and Technology, 221–225-221–225
2 2007 Cross-border cooperation: modeling of design solutions in the reconstruction of municipal heating systems
YUN Kharitonov
Technological audit and production reserves, 40-44
1 2015 Information support for energy saving projects
UN Kharitonov, Manchester United Podaenko, GV Fomenko
Energy Efficiency in Construction and Architecture, 276-280
1 2013 Unification of project management processes for the reconstruction of district heating systems
YUN Kharitonov
Complex Systems Development Management, 75-78
Preliminary modeling of heat supply systems in the management of reconstruction projects
YUN Kharitonov
Municipal Utilities, 382-387
1 2008 Choice of strategy for reconstruction of complex technical systems
YUN Kharitonov
Aerospace Engineering and Technology, 192–194-192–194
1 2007 Modeling of information infrastructure for project management of port infrastructure development
UM Kharitonov, BM Gordeev, BV Berdynsky further
Research interests:
Main scientific field :Engineering sciences - Mechanical engineering.
Management of projects and programs of reconstruction of municipal systems of heat supply.
The WEB - the page of the dean of the faculty is specially designed to help you solve issues related to teaching at the faculty, in addition to supporting you on any personal issues.
“Proper and timely counseling is very important for students when they are studying a specialization and thinking about future career opportunities. We have many areas that help ensure that all FMI students can easily find support in the staff community. ”
You can ask your question to the dean of the faculty here by filling in the required fields.
Contact information
Ukraine, Nikolaev Kuznechnaya 5, TsPIvE, (NUS). +380634928457
Навчально-науковий центр морської інфраструктури
Понеділок - п'ятниця
8:00 – 18:00
+38 (067) 28-13-550
Mechanical Engineering Educational and Scientific Institute
Національний університет кораблебудування імені адмірала Макарова
Learning process
We help students in their personal growth and DEVELOPMENT!
Our faculty attaches great importance to teaching and learning so that students can benefit from quality education. We strive to continuously improve our quality of education in order to provide a better education for students. Information and resources related to teaching and learning at the faculty can be found on this site.
Research resources ...
The management of the faculty obliges teachers and students to conduct research activities in order to increase the position of research and development of new technologies.
Learning through research ...
Thanks to the scientific activity of NUS and its research centers, learning on this
faculty, is conducted through research, regardless of the choice of specialty.
Educational, or research
conferences (seminars) are conducted by scientific supervisors of departments (research staff), who explain the directions (topics) of scientific work and invite
students with their achievements.
Individual training ...
We increase students' independence through individual learning: all students have their own individual curriculum, consulting with tutors (teacher-researcher) to make their choice among the many proposals in teaching.
FMI gives priority to fundamental knowledge and combines in-depth study of the material with familiarity with many other disciplines.
The variety, diversity and organization of training courses, gathered at 3 departments for study, allow students to explore the boundaries of their disciplines and develop intellectual approaches with strong interdisciplinarity.
Writing a thesis is one of the most important steps in obtaining a degree!
Students should be familiar with the steps required to prepare and submit a dissertation in the early stages of thesis writing.
In your departments you will learn everything you need to know about the thesis process from the first project to the final presentation.
Academic calendar
Two semesters and a special term. Standard calendar of the University for training.
1 Semester
2 Semester
A special term