
the word of the dean; sphere of scientific interests; dean's page; biography:
The conference
announcements of future conferences
presentation of training at KaPra
The faculty library
solar heating systems: guidelines
calculation of solar heating installations: methodical instructions
The Faculty news
development of transp. infrastructure
meeting of the department of SMiiEM (25.03.2020)
auxiliary literature and textbooks
training courses for your company
entrance examination programs for master's degree entrants
entrance examination programs for graduate students
entrance examination programs for entrants on the basis of a diploma of a young specialist
Department of Systems Engineering Marine Infr. and energy management
about the department of mass media
educational process of the SMIiEM department
municipality. energy 2015
photo gallery of the SMIiEM department
research activity of the department of mass media
staff of the department of SMIEM
head of caf. prof. дтн. Shevtsov AP
lane specialist caf. Chumakova VV
NDC NDIIP TsPDvE, lane Specialist of the Department of Media - Kharitonov M.Yu.
defense of bachelor's thesis Kuznetsov G.
The Department of Marine Instrumentation
about the department of marine instrument making
staff of the Department of Marine Instrumentation
head kaf. dtn.prof. Zhukov Yu.D.
And information about significant scientific publications .....
history of the department of marine instrument making
educational process of the department of marine instrument making
international activity of the department
graduates of the Department of Marine Instrumentation
The Department of Maritime Logistics
about the department of maritime logistics
graduates of the department. Морск. logistics
research activity of the department of sea logistics
educational process of the department of sea logistics
staff of the Department of Maritime Logistics
head kaf. дтн. prof. Kazarezov A.Ya.
introduction of modern technologies -training of specialists -increasing energy efficiency
