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The beginning of the Faculty of Maritime Infrastructure of the National University of Shipbuilding . adm. Makarov is
Rector's Order No. 382k of April 17, 2013

The main task of the faculty is to train highly qualified specialists who are able to implement a set of systemic tasks of marine infrastructure development in Ukraine through the introduction of modern design technologies, management methods and models, energy efficiency and environmental safety, taking into account problems and features of socio-economic development.
The possibility of creating a faculty was based on the fact that the university with its scientific and pedagogical potential can provide training in demand (now and in the future) specialists in relevant specialties for almost all components of maritime infrastructure - ports and port facilities, shipyards, specialized loading and unloading complexes , oil terminals, etc.
The organization of the faculty corresponds to the main provisions of the approved development strategy of the university, the most important of which is the search for areas of training required not only in Ukraine but also abroad.
Our teachers and staff are actively developing and implementing new methodologies in the learning process, bringing clarity to the understanding of the interaction of modern technologies used in marine infrastructure. These methods create the preconditions for new research of the entire maritime complex. Learn about our latest results and approaches in teaching students to such tests!
At present, the structure of the faculty includes the departments of systems engineering of marine infrastructure and energy management (Head - Dr. Tech. Sciences, prof. Shevtsov A.P .), Marine Instrumentation (Head - Dr. Tech. Sciences, prof. Zhukov Y.D .) Marine Logistics (Head - Dr. tehn. Sci. A.Ya.Kazarezov ) and Marine Cybernetics laboratory (Sciences. Dr. Head. techn Sciences, Prof. Zhukov Y.D) and the Center for Applied Research in Energy (Scientific supervisor, other technical sciences, associate professor Kharytonov Y.M).

Since the creation of the Educational and scientific center of marine infrastructure (Faculty of marine infrastructure), its specialists have been implementing a 5-line development program, which is aimed at ensuring the training of highly qualified facists who will be able to implement complex tasks. development of the maritime infrastructure of Ukraine in the system of transnational maritime industry by promoting current design technologies, methods and models of management,
advancement environmental safety energy efficiency with consideration of the peculiarities of the current state and the future development of the regions and the region as a whole.
One of the most important tasks at the stage of formation of the Educational and scientific center of marine infrastructure (faculty) was the establishment of accreditation of basic specialties for the training of students and the withdrawal of licenses for new specialties, which would be ensured in the outside world specialists are promising directions for the development of the maritime infrastructure of Ukraine.
At the current stage, the Educational and scientific center of marine infrastructure is training facilitators for advanced specialties:
8.05120105 - “Systems engineering of marine infrastructure facilities” (licensed in 2015);
8.05060105 - "Energy management" (licensed in 2015);
The unified center in Ukraine, which conducts training for the specialty:
8.05120105 – “Systems engineering of maritime infrastructure facilities.”
Since the establishment of the faculty, its staff has been implementing a 5-year development program aimed at training highly qualified specialists capable of implementing complex tasks of Ukraine's marine infrastructure development in the system of transnational cooperation by introducing modern design technologies, management methods and models, improving environmental safety and energy. efficiency taking into account the peculiarities of the current state and future development of the regions and the country as a whole.
One of the most important tasks at the stage of formation of the faculty was the task of accreditation of existing specialties of student training and obtaining licenses for new specialties, which would fully provide specialists with promising areas of maritime infrastructure of Ukraine.
At the present stage, the faculty trains specialists in the following specialties: 8.05120105 - "System engineering of marine infrastructure" (licensed in 2015), 8.05060105 - "Energy Management" (licensed in 2015), 8.03060107 - "Logistics" 2015), 8.05010203– “Specialized computer systems” (licensed in 2015), 8.05100302– “Devices and systems of precision mechanics” (accredited in 2015).
The faculty is the only one in Ukraine that trains specialists in the specialty 8.05120105 - "System engineering of marine infrastructure facilities".
The scientific and pedagogical staff of the faculty improves the methodological support of the educational process. The formation of the faculty is impossible to imagine without the dynamic development of its material and technical base. Thus, since the beginning of the faculty's existence, the premises of the Department of Systems Engineering of Marine Infrastructure and Energy Management, as well as the premises of the Faculty's Dean's Office have been overhauled.
The Center for Applied Research in Energy is nearing completion. A plan for the development of the material and technical base of the Department of Maritime Logistics is being prepared. With the help of the NGO AMICO and Schneider-Electric-Ukraine, the marine cybernetics laboratory is equipped with modern equipment, which is already used for training.
The Marine Cybernetics Laboratory has introduced training courses for designers in the NUPAS-CADMATIC system.
In accordance with a joint order of the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine and the head of the State Agency for Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine, the Center for Applied Energy Research , known for its research in Ukraine and abroad, received modern devices for energy audits and training. energy management process.
The faculty actively conducts research within the framework of budgetary, economic contract works and grants, among which we should mention the grant of the European Union "BSBEEP", aimed at improving energy efficiency in district heating systems.
1 doctoral dissertation (Kharytonov Yu.M., 2014) and two candidate dissertations (Dolganov YO, Ukhin OO, 2015) were defended in the direction of training of scientific and pedagogical workers at the faculty, one candidate's dissertation was accepted by the scientific council of NTTU "KPI" to the defense (Dvirna OZ, 2015). 2 doctoral students, 2 applicants and 4 postgraduate students are preparing to defend the dissertation.
The stage of formation of the faculty continues .....