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Якорь 1

Increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise

Control over the presence of established norms and specific costs of energy resources and their implementation.

During inspections of the state of accounting and use of energy resources at enterprises with the Regulation on the State Agency for Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine, approved by the Decree of the President of Ukraine of April 13, 2011 № 462.


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Working with us, you can show responsibility, your professionalism, independence, ability to bring things to an end, and get a decent pay.

A fresh look at energy saving!

Згідно з оцінками, понад 90% газових турбіни, майже 60% парових турбін і котлів відпрацювали не менше 30 років.

Передають електромережі відрізняються низькою ефективністю, а втрати при передачі та розподілі оцінють на рівні 27% обсягу виробу електроенергії.


A fresh look at energy saving!

The center performed energy audits of more than 400 companies and organizations!

Comprehensive energy saving programs; Programs for improving urban heating systems and development concepts;



Ukraine's energy facilities and infrastructure need rapid modernization.

It is estimated that more than 90% of gas turbines, almost 60% of steam turbines and boilers have been in operation for at least 30 years.

Transmitting power grids are characterized by low efficiency, and transmission and distribution losses are estimated at 27% of the volume of electricity production.

Performs a set of works for enterprises and organizations:


  • conducting an energy audit;

  • compilation of energy passports;

  • rationing of energy costs;

  • compilation of energy balances;

  • introduction of energy management system;

  • environmental and energy expert


  • development of reconstruction programs and

modernization of energy systems;

  • development, creation and modernization of elements of power equipment;

  • training and retraining of specialists in

areas of energy management;

  • organization of thematic scientific

technical conferences, seminars.

Improving the competitiveness of the enterprise


Control over the presence of established norms and specific costs of energy resources and their implementation.

During inspections of the state of accounting and use of energy resources at enterprises with the Regulation on the State Agency for Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine, approved by the Decree of the President of Ukraine of April 13, 2011 № 462.


Якорь 2
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