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Scientific and technical literature in scientific institutions 

За графиком стажування проф. Харитонов Ю.М.  відвідав та відпрацював у бібліотеці Тайчжоуського  університету

An important stage of the scientific internship is familiarization with the available scientific and technical literature in various educational institutions and scientific institutions of the People's Republic of China.

According to the internship schedule, Prof. Kharytonov Yu.M. visited and worked in the library of Taizhou University, the library fund of which has more than 8 million titles in various areas of scientific research.

ЗAccording to the internship schedule, Prof. Kharitonov Yu.M. visited and worked in the library of Taizhou University, whose library collection includes more than 8 million titles in various areas of scientific research..

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