student government
“ Student self-government bodies contribute to the harmonious development of the student's personality, the formation of his skills as a future organizer, leader. ”
Student self-government bodies are being established in higher educational institutions. Under student self-government is understood the right of the student community (all full-time students of higher education) to independently decide on public life of students within the current legislation and the Charter of the institution.
Ukrainian legislation provides for the mandatory participation of students in decision-making at all levels in the higher education system.
The All-Ukrainian Student Council has been established in Ukraine to consider topical issues of student life. Its main tasks are:
- promoting the development of the student movement in Ukraine, including the development of student self-government in higher educational institutions of Ukraine;
- ensuring constant communication and interaction between the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and student self-government bodies of higher educational institutions;
- analysis of social processes in the field of education, culture, labor, social formation and development of student youth, young professionals and citizens entering higher education, development and submission of such analysis to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and local governments at all levels ;
- participation in the preparation and development of proposals for regulations, programs on the most important issues of social status, legal and social protection of student youth, young professionals and citizens entering higher education institutions of Ukraine;