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Head of the Maritime Infrastructure Center, Dr. Tech. Sciences, Prof. Yu. Kharytonov as part of the scientific internship program in the People's Republic of China ( 3 hours )

Release time: December 17, 2024  | Source: Ningbo Steel  Co., Ltd  and Scientific center of marine infrastructure

Chinese-Ukrainian Forum in Weizhou.

At the present time, the idea of involving leading Ukrainian scientists in the solution of current scientific issues, which significantly affect the further development of the economy of the People's Republic of China, is widely spread in the People's Republic of China.

проф. Ю.Харитонов -Ningbo Steel Co., Ltd 2024

 Yu. Kharytonov, Dr. Tech. of Sciences, professor, head of the Educational and Scientific Center for Maritime Infrastructure

Joint scientific and technical projects, creation of innovation centers, technological incubators, etc. are only a small number of organizational measures that promote mutually beneficial cooperation between scientists of both countries.


The key issue remains the shortage of scientists.

WENJOU forum - Prof. Kharytonov Y.N
  •  Ю. Харитонов ,  д-р техн. наук, проф керівник навчально-наукового Центру  морської    інфраструктури

The Chinese-Ukrainian forum in the city of Weizhou was dedicated to solving the main issues related to the problems of scientific and technical cooperation.


At the invitation of the Wenzhou government, Prof. Yu.Kharytonov made a speech "Prospects of scientific and technical cooperation".


The discussion of the results of the forum proves that cooperation between the scientists of the two countries in various scientific directions is very promising.

  • Центр управління виробничими процесами на підприємстві

Сталелетійне підприємство "Нінбо-сталь"! (1)
  • Цех сталеплавильного виробництва

Wenzhou at the forum of Prof. Yu. Kharytonov gave a report. (3)
  • Модельна панель, яка відображає в реальному часі виробничі процеси 

I don't like itThat's rightgoodPerfectlyPerfectly!

Release time: December 27, 2024  | Source: SAIGE Electronic Engineering  (м. Веньчжоу)  and Scientific center of marine infrastructure

Chinese-Ukrainian Forum in Weizhou.

At the present time, the idea of involving leading Ukrainian scientists in the solution of current scientific issues, which significantly affect the further development of the economy of the People's Republic of China, is widely spread in the People's Republic of China.

Розвиток систем критичної інфраструктури

 Yu. Kharytonov, Dr. Tech. of Sciences, professor, head of the Educational and Scientific Center for Maritime Infrastructure

Joint scientific and technical projects, creation of innovation centers, technological incubators, etc. are only a small number of organizational measures that promote mutually beneficial cooperation between scientists of both countries.


The key issue remains the shortage of scientists.

WENJOU forum - Prof. Kharytonov Y.N

The Chinese-Ukrainian forum in the city of Weizhou was dedicated to solving the main issues related to the problems of scientific and technical cooperation.


At the invitation of the Wenzhou government, Prof. Yu.Kharytonov made a speech "Prospects of scientific and technical cooperation".


The discussion of the results of the forum proves that cooperation between the scientists of the two countries in various scientific directions is very promising.

Безпосередньо, в процесі обговорення досвіду компанії, представники SAIGE Electronic Engineering ознайомили проф. Ю. Харитонова з основними проблемами забезпечення міста питною водою та напрямками їх вирішення.


Особливу увагу було приділено процесам цифровізації системи водопостачання 10 млн. міста, процесам конструктивного забезпечення безпечної роботи системи водопостачання, питанням енергозбереження, організації та функціонування на підприємстві  системи енергетичного менеджменту.

I don't like itThat's rightgoodPerfectlyPerfectly!
SAIGE- Electronic- Engineering
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