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Head of the Maritime Infrastructure Center, Dr. Tech. Sciences, Prof. Yu. Kharytonov as part of the scientific internship program in the People's Republic of China ( 3 hours )
Release time: December 25, 2023 | Source: City district. Wenzhou and Еducational and scientific center of marine infrastructure
Chinese-Ukrainian Forum in Weizhou.
At the present time, the idea of involving leading Ukrainian scientists in the solution of current scientific issues, which significantly affect the further development of the economy of the People's Republic of China, is widely spread in the People's Republic of China.

Yu. Kharytonov, Dr. Tech. of Sciences, professor, head of the Educational and Scientific Center for Maritime Infrastructure
Joint scientific and technical projects, creation of innovation centers, technological incubators, etc. are only a small number of organizational measures that promote mutually beneficial cooperation between scientists of both countries.
The key issue remains the shortage of scientists.

The Chinese-Ukrainian forum in the city of Weizhou was dedicated to solving the main issues related to the problems of scientific and technical cooperation.
At the invitation of the Wenzhou government, Prof. Yu.Kharytonov made a speech "Prospects of scientific and technical cooperation".
The discussion of the results of the forum proves that cooperation between the scientists of the two countries in various scientific directions is very promising.

Release time: December 27, 2023 | Source: City district. Shaoxing. and Еducational and scientific center of marine infrastructure
Foreign Experts Visit to Shaoxing " Matchmaking Conference".
At the invitation of the organizers of the "Foreign Experts Visit to Shaoxing" Matchmaking Conference, which took place in Shaoxing, Prof. Yu.Kharytonov took part in its plenary session and in the work of the relevant sections.

Yu. Kharytonov, Dr. Tech. of Sciences, professor, head of the Educational and Scientific Center for Maritime Infrastructure
A number of reports, which were made by representatives of the People's Republic of China, Italy and others, touched on topical issues of digital transformation of various industries, which became the subject of scientific discussions.
As a result of the conference, business relations were established with representatives of foreign countries in the direction of "Management of projects of digital transformation of industry"

Release time: 17-18 October 2023 | Source: Machinery industry in China and Еducational and scientific center of marine infrastructure
Machine-building enterprises of China
Machine-building enterprises remain the key elements of digital transformation in the shipbuilding industry.
Prof. On October 17-18, 2023, Yu. Kharytonov visited a number of enterprises in the machine-building industry, where he got acquainted with their main technological processes and equipment.
Yu. Kharytonov, Dr. Tech. of Sciences, professor, head of the Educational and Scientific Center for Maritime Infrastructure
In the process of discussing issues of digital transformation with colleagues from universities and heads of enterprises, it was noted that in the conditions of fierce competition, special attention is paid to the factors of the availability of resources, which should be directed to the reconstruction of enterprises
Серед проблемних питань залишаються питання науково-обгрунтованих управлінських рішень, які сприяють процесам цифрової трансформації, підготовлені фахівці з відповідних напрямків діяльності підприємств.
The relevance of developing updated training programs for specialists of various levels was noted.

Release time: 18-21 October 2023 | Source: Qingdao university China and Еducational and scientific center of marine infrastructure
Експериментальні дослідження у міжнародному центрі гібридних матеріалів базової лабораторії наукового та технологічного співробітництва департаменту міжнародного співробітництва міністерства науки та технологій Китайської народної республіки.
Проф. Ю.Харитонов 18-21 жовтня у відповідності до запропонованого плану наукової стажировки в Китайській народній республіці відвідав "Qingdao university" м. Циндао. Особливу увагу при відвідуванні університету було приділено питанням, які стосуються складових технологічної платформи Shipbuilding 4.0, питань інформаційної трансформації підприємств та навчального процесу, а також методам і моделям управління та технологіям енергозбереження.
Yu. Kharytonov, Dr. Tech. of Sciences, professor, head of the Educational and Scientific Center for Maritime Infrastructure
Prof. Yu.Kharytonov took part in conducting experimental research in the international center of hybrid materials of the basic laboratory of scientific and technological cooperation of the department of international cooperation of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China.
Prof. Yu.Kharytonov got acquainted with the directions of scientific research of a number of creative teams of university scientists, visited student classrooms and laboratories.
For teachers and students of the Institute of Materials for Energy and Environmental Protection, a lecture was given on the main directions of scientific research of the Center for Applied Research in Energy of the National Shipbuilding University named after Admiral Makarov.
According to the results of the visit to "Qingdao university", prospects for scientific cooperation were discussed and determined, the need for which is obvious.
Release time: 22 November 2023 | Source: Chungsheng Agricultural Technology Co.Ltd and Еducational and scientific center of marine infrastructure
Digital transformation affected not only industrial enterprises, but also agro-technological complexes.
At the invitation of the agricultural enterprise Chungsheng Agricultural Technology Co.Ltd, Prof. Yu. Kharytonov visited its production sites on 22.11.2023
Yu. Kharytonov, Dr. Tech. of Sciences, professor, head of the Educational and Scientific Center for Maritime Infrastructure
Серед вікових методів ведення сільгосп-робіт на підприємстві започатковано проект з переходу до індустріального вирощування сільгосппродукції на підставі цифровізації основних технологічних процесів..
Professor Yu.Kharytonov took part in the discussion with representatives of the company about the state and prospects of project formation, the creation of a group of scientists at the company on the implementation of digital technology of strawberry cultivation, the main factors that affect digitalization processes.
The proposal of Prof. Yu. Kharytonova regarding the adaptation of the well-known concept of "digital twin" to the product of the agricultural enterprise.