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Галузеві стандарти вищої освіти

Галузеві стандарти вищої освіти є узагальненим нормативним змістом освіти та навчання за певними напрямами підготовки та спеціальностями, включають освітньо-кваліфікаційні характеристики випускників ВНЗ, освітньо-професійні програми їх підготовки, а також засоби діагностики якості вищої освіти випускників.


Industry standards of higher education


Industry standards of higher education are a generalized normative content of education and training in certain areas of training and specialties, including educational and qualification characteristics of university graduates, educational and professional programs of their training, as well as tools for diagnosing the quality of higher education graduates.


Industry standards of higher education contain components:


• educational and qualification characteristics of graduates of higher educational institutions;
The educational and qualification characteristics of a graduate of a higher education institution reflect the goals of higher education and training, determine the place of the specialist in the structure of the economy and the requirements for his competence, other socially important qualities, system of production functions and typical tasks and skills for their implementation.
Educational and qualification characteristics of graduates of higher educational institutions are approved by the specially authorized central executive body in the field of education and science in coordination with the specially authorized central executive body in the field of labor and social policy.


• educational and professional training programs;
The educational-professional training program determines the normative term and normative part of the content of education in a certain direction or specialty of the corresponding educational-qualification level, establishes requirements to the content, volume and level of education and professional training of the specialist.
Educational and professional training programs are approved by a specially authorized central executive body in the field of education and science.
The normative term of study according to the educational-professional training program is set in accordance with a certain level of professional activity.
The normative term of training under the educational-professional training program for a junior specialist for persons who have completed general secondary education and the educational-qualification level of a skilled worker in a related profession is reduced by one year.
The normative term of study under the educational-professional bachelor's program for persons who have the educational-qualification level of a junior specialist in the specialty corresponding to the direction of bachelor's training may be reduced to two years.
The normative term of study in the educational-professional master's program for persons who have the educational-qualification level of a specialist in the relevant specialty may not exceed one year.
If the higher education institution has relevant agreements with educational institutions of foreign countries, which provide for mutual recognition of documents on higher education subject to other terms of study, such terms may be set by the relevant central executive body, which has higher education institutions, in agreement with specially authorized central executive body in the field of education and science.


• diagnostic tools for the quality of higher education.
Means of diagnosing the quality of higher education define standardized methods that are designed to quantitatively and qualitatively assess the level of knowledge, skills and abilities, professional, ideological and civic qualities achieved by a person.
Higher education quality diagnostic tools are used to establish the level of quality of higher education in accordance with the requirements of higher education standards and are approved by a specially authorized central executive body in the field of education and science.


Standards of higher education


Normative documents - Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education"


Article 11. System of standards of higher education


1. The system of standards of higher education consists of the state standard of higher education, branch standards of higher education and standards of higher education of higher educational institutions.
Higher education standards are the basis for assessing the quality of higher education and training, as well as the quality of educational activities of higher education institutions, regardless of their types, levels of accreditation and forms of education.


2. The state standard of higher education contains components:
- list of qualifications at the relevant educational and qualification levels;
- a list of areas and specialties for which specialists are trained in higher educational institutions at the appropriate educational and qualification levels;
- requirements for educational levels of higher education;
- requirements for educational and qualification levels of higher education.


3. Industry standards of higher education contain components:
- educational and qualification characteristics of graduates of higher educational institutions;
- educational and professional training programs;
- tools for diagnosing the quality of higher education.


4. Standards of higher education of higher educational institutions contain components:
- list of specializations by specialties;
- variable parts of educational and qualification characteristics of graduates of higher educational institutions;
- variable parts of educational and professional training programs;
- variable parts of diagnostics of quality of higher education;
- curricula;
- programs of academic disciplines.


5. The procedure for developing standards of higher education and making changes to them, as well as monitoring their compliance shall be determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.


Article 12. State standard of higher education


1. The list of qualifications at the relevant educational and qualification levels contains a list of qualification names, which are determined by the professional titles of work to be performed by specialists of a certain educational and qualification level in primary positions.

2. The list (1719-2006-n) of areas and specialties for which specialists are trained in higher educational institutions at the appropriate educational and qualification levels, contains a list of names of areas that reflect the related content of higher education and training, and a list of specialties, reflecting unique generalized objects of activity or production functions and objects of activity.

3. Requirements for educational levels of higher education include requirements for the level of formation of social and civic qualities in a person, taking into account the peculiarities of future professional activity, as well as requirements for the formation of patriotism towards Ukraine and knowledge of the Ukrainian language.

4. Requirements for educational and qualification levels of higher education contain requirements for professional training of specialists taking into account the social division of labor.

5. The list of qualifications at the relevant educational and qualification levels, requirements for educational and educational and qualification levels of higher education shall be approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine upon submission of a specially authorized central executive body in the field of education and science, agreed with a specially authorized central executive body. and social policy.

The list of areas and specialties in which specialists are trained in higher educational institutions at the relevant educational and qualification levels is approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine at the request of the specially authorized central executive body in the field of education and science.


Article 13. Sectoral standards of higher education


1. Educational and qualification characteristics of a graduate of a higher education institution reflect the goals of higher education and training, determine the place of the specialist in the structure of the economy and the requirements for his competence, other socially important qualities, system of production functions and typical tasks and skills for their implementation.
Educational and qualification characteristics of graduates of higher educational institutions are approved by the specially authorized central executive body in the field of education and science in coordination with the specially authorized central executive body in the field of labor and social policy.

2. Educational-professional training program determines the normative term and normative part of the content of education in a certain direction or specialty of the relevant educational-qualification level, sets requirements for the content, scope and level of education and professional training of a specialist.

Educational and professional training programs are approved by a specially authorized central executive body in the field of education and science.
The normative term of study according to the educational-professional training program is set in accordance with a certain level of professional activity.
The normative term of training under the educational-professional training program for a junior specialist for persons who have completed general secondary education and the educational-qualification level of a skilled worker in a related profession is reduced by one year.
The normative term of study under the educational-professional bachelor's program for persons who have the educational-qualification level of a junior specialist in the specialty corresponding to the direction of bachelor's training may be reduced to two years.
The normative term of study in the educational-professional master's program for persons who have the educational-qualification level of a specialist in the relevant specialty may not exceed one year.
The normative term of training of specialists of educational and qualification levels of specialist and master of medical and veterinary medical directions is determined by the relevant central executive body, which has higher educational institutions, in coordination with the specially authorized central executive body in education and science.
If the higher education institution has relevant agreements with educational institutions of foreign countries, which provide for mutual recognition of documents on higher education subject to other terms of study, such terms may be set by the relevant central executive body, which has higher education institutions, in agreement with specially authorized central executive body in the field of education and science.

3. Means of diagnosing the quality of higher education define standardized methods that are designed to quantitatively and qualitatively assess the level of knowledge, skills and abilities, professional, ideological and civic qualities achieved by a person.
Higher education quality diagnostic tools are used to establish the level of quality of higher education in accordance with the requirements of higher education standards and are approved by a specially authorized central executive body in the field of education and science.

Article 14. Standards of higher education of higher educational institutions


1. Higher educational institutions determine specializations in the specialties for which the training of specialists of educational and qualification levels of junior specialist, specialist and master is carried out. The names of specializations by specialties reflect differences in the means, conditions and products of activity within the specialty.

2. Variable parts of educational and qualification characteristics of graduates of higher educational institutions, educational and professional training programs and tools for diagnosing the quality of higher education provide training in specializations by specialties, taking into account the social division of labor in Ukraine and mobility of the education system.
The content of variable parts of educational and qualification characteristics of graduates of higher educational institutions, educational and professional training programs, tools for diagnosing the quality of higher education, curricula, programs of disciplines is determined by the higher educational institution within the structure and form established by the specially authorized central executive body. and science.

3. Curricula determine the schedule of the educational process, the list, sequence and time of study of academic disciplines, forms of educational classes and terms of their carrying out, and also forms of carrying out final control.

4. Curricula determine their information volume, the level of skills and knowledge, a list of recommended textbooks, other methodological and didactic materials, criteria for academic success and tools for diagnosing academic success.

5. Curricula and programs of academic disciplines are developed by the higher educational institution in accordance with the educational and professional training programs and approved by the head of the higher educational institution. / source /





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