How to become an intrapreneur?
You are a researcher and want to use research results in a quality way? Then our new format MAKET designed just for YOU, because now there is a real opportunity to become іntrapreneur and effectively implement their business projects into society.
We focus on project-based learning, collaboration, and individual learning.
How to understand the format МАКЕТ ?
MAKET- is an internal program of the National Center for Innovation and Technology for supporting and transferring technological projects of young scientists to the business community!
The goal of the program is to focus on the commercialization of developments by an industrial partner.
Selected projects receive funding from partners.
Financial support from partners determines the market potential of the product idea.
The higher the estimated subsequent market potential and, therefore, the expected turnover, the greater the expected investment by partners.
You can submit an application at any time!
Applications are reviewed continuously throughout the academic year by a competent commission of employees.
1. What is the maximum amount of funds that can be requested from partners for the project?
The amount of investment is not limited, what matters is the expected future profit (ROI).
2. How to apply?
The information meeting and the preliminary application can be used to decide on the prospects of the final version of the application. The complete application must include mandatory statements from the participating industrial partner (key points of the refinancing model). A confidentiality agreement must be signed before starting negotiations with potential industrial partners.
3. What criteria must be met?
There must be an idea and a concept for the development of a specific product or process (if possible, already protected IP).
It is necessary to provide a clear market opportunity and a predictable (positive) market volume.
In order to minimize the effort of submitting a complete application for all participants, the pre-application is validated.
The industrial partner does not necessarily have to be available for the pre-application. If you have good project ideas, we will help you find a suitable partner.
4. What does project management look like?
The main stages are determined by the stage of the project. For this purpose, the responsible project manager is appointed by the NNCMI and the industrial partner. The innovation management department is responsible for project control.
5. When can the project be started?
As soon as the contracts with the industrial partner are signed and the NNCMI has a corresponding target agreement, the funds for the project may be provided.