This section presents some profile companies that need graduates . Take this opportunity and learn about your opportunities to acquire a profession or do a survey (while still studying), within which you will find here many companies that are looking for qualified and competent employees in this field today.

Морський спеціалізований порт Ніка-Тера

Адміністрація морських портів України

структурний підрозділ державного підприємства «Адміністрація морських портів України»

Морськи́й порт «Південний»

Одеський морський торговельний порт


Компанія Т ОВ «МарКоНи»

Миколаївський річковий порт АСК "Укррічфлот"

порт Ольвія
Are you a researcher and want to use research results in a quality way? Then our new format MAKET is designed specifically for YOU, because now is a real opportunity to become an intrapreneur and effectively implement your business projects in society. We are focused on project-based learning, collaboration, and individual learning..
Expanding opportunities.. The new academic semester has begun! Are you a student and would you like to engage in your personal development? Then the career building program may be exactly what you need: during your studies you will learn about current concepts and approaches to solving complex tasks in the maritime industry, and you will also have the opportunity to work with one of our partners in a modern company, implementing innovative projects. You will also become a participant NUS alumni network, whose support can professionally accompany you during your career development and work in organizations!